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Jim’s final thoughts on the trip…

Jim’s final thoughts on the trip…

In 2009 I had the privilege of thru hiking the Appalachian Trail. The idea of paddling the Mississippi River with David was very intriguing to me. While the trail was a solo adventure, on this trip we were trapped together in a 16’ by 3’ canoe for 9-10 hours a day. It was challenging at times, but we worked through it and succeeded in our quest to paddle the entire river.

You can never relax on the water because you have barges, wing dams, pleasure boats, loopers, and in our case severe wind. You have to concentrate and have your head on a swivel. We were very often mentally and physically exhausted.

Thankfully, whether we needed directions, water, assistance with a camping spot, a ride in to town, storage for the canoe, someone always helped us out. River Angels and river magic occurs regularly on the river and serves as a great reminder that God takes care of his children and their needs.

We had support on the River but we also had support on the home front. We couldn’t have even begun this trip without that support!

We have been asked two questions on a regular basis: 1.) will you still be friends when this is over? And 2.) Why do this? To the first question, yes, our friendship has survived for 55 plus years and it survived 68 days in a canoe. As to the why: the answer is---For a brief period I was free from everyday distractions. I have life down to its core: GOD, FOOD, SHELTER, FRIENDS!!


Jim, Nit, Ranger

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